Mark Johnson
Senior Pastor
Rena' Johnson
Executive Pastor of Missions, Student Ministries and Ladies
Dan Shryock
Executive Pastor of Worship Arts and Education
Paul Rose
Care Pastor and Executive Pastor of Adult Ministries
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Ryan Mobley
Discipleship Pastor and Business Administrator
Dawn Stuemke
Ministry Involvement Pastor and Director of Senior Adults
Michael Johnson
Youth Pastor & Worship Arts Associate
Micah Hinckley
Junior High Pastor
Ben Bungard
Kids and Young Adults Pastor
Tina Antonacci
Development Director
Brittany Wallin
Communications Director
Richard Stuemke
Director of Computer Services
Mike Noblet
Computer Services Assistant
Bob Squires
Building and Grounds Manager
Daryl Spigle
Accounting Manager
Rebekah Reilly
Accounts Receivable Associate
Teresa Ranson
Accounts Payable Associate
Tammy Kmett
Office Manager
Linda Crabtree
Administrative Assistant
KaLeigh Bungard
Play Zone Director & Kids Ministry Associate
Angela Gerberding
Cafe 501 Manager
Belinda Mulshine
Administrative Assistant
Ruth Walker
Worship Arts Service Prep Specialist
Mark Collins
Young Adults Pastor
Alycea Collins
Administrative Assistant
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Brendan Jenks
Technical Arts Director