Calvary is not just the name of our church.

Calvary is where the world was forever changed and we were given the opportunity to know God and to live life to the fullest.

This is what Calvary Church is all about.

We set out to build a church where you can come, just as you are, experience God's grace, and explore the abundant life that God has for you. It is a place where you can engage in great worship, a friendly atmosphere, and practical teaching that challenges you to take your next step with God.

It is a great place to grow, build a family, and invite friends on your life-changing journey with Christ.


At Calvary, we are called to impact generations in our community and around the world for Christ.

We are called to change the spiritual climate of our city and compel people to consider Christ's claims.

We are called
to help people discover the "life to the full" that Christ offers us in every area of our lives.

To that end we will pray, we will worship, we will lead and build leaders, we will serve needs, and we will be an open door for all people to come and experience God's love.

At Calvary, it is our mission to point people's attention to Christ
, that many would know the goodness of God and the amazing plans He has for those who follow Him.


These core values are the driving principles behind everything we say and do, giving guidance to our future decisions and goals.

Experiencing Grace

We accept people right where they are—extending the same grace to others that God extends to us. We are committed to building a culture that forgives others and honors God's work in them.

Reaching People

As a church, we are called to reach people with the message of Christ in our community, in our nation, and throughout the world.

Living on Mission

We are called to actively live out our faith and express God's love in our daily lives. We are a body of believers that seeks to influence our world through service and witness. We are committed to thinking beyond ourselves—finding new ways to make an impact with the love of Christ.

Generation to Generation

We desire to be a church that ministers to all ages, supporting the development of healthy families through effective ministry for all life stages. We will actively invest in fostering a multi-generational church that pursues Christ together.

Engaging Worship

We are committed to having a corporate worship experience that invites His presence—one that is passionate and engaging, and makes a big deal about God and not about us.

Scripture for Today

The Bible is our standard for faith and conduct. It is the foundation for all we do and we believe it has not lost an ounce of relevance or power to change lives. We endeavor to take the truth of God's Word and accurately apply it to the time in which we live through Bible study and sound teaching.

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

- Jesus (in John 10:10)