Week of Prayer & Fasting
January 15-22

Biblical fasting is abstaining from eating food for a specific period of time for a spiritual purpose as the Lord leads. The noun, translated from fast or fasting is tsom in Hebrew and nesteia in Greek, refers to a voluntary abstinence from food. The literal translations would be not to eat in Hebrew and no food in Greek. As we abstain from food, we are denying our flesh and bringing it into submission to the Spirit.

Fasting is a spiritual weapon and power-filled action blessed by God. Yet, fasting is often neglected and forgotten as being part of the believer’s spiritual weaponry.

If we are seeking God’s blessing and revelation on our cities, states, country, home, and church and if we are desiring for miracles to be manifested among the sick and hurting, then it is mandatory that we have seasons of individual and corporate prayer with fasting.

Fasting is difficult simply because we give up what is natural in the flesh to seek what is natural in the Spirit. By denying our physical body the food we need and even crave, we allow ourselves to draw closer to God and His Spirit. He will give us what we need and desire in our own lives spiritually, physically, financially etc. It is through these intimate times alone with God in prayer and fasting that we also gain the revelation on how to seek God for others, our church, our world, and we are given power to defeat demonic forces at work in people and places. Matthew 17:21 says, But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting. During a fast we’ll feel weaker for a while, but gain power and strength for current battles and those coming in the future.

Take some time to pray about what God would have you do regarding your fast. Listed to the right are six topics to pray about during the week of prayer and fasting. Please join us in prayer each day for these specific things and ask God to speak to you about your life, the church or what God’s plan is for you this year. Below each topic are lines to write notes.


  • Repentance
  • Examination of prayer life, Bible reading & church attendance
  • Willingness to serve others
  • Christian worldview
  • 2017 Goals (individual, spiritual & family)

Unsaved Loved Ones

  • Conviction of sin
  • Blinders off eyes to see truth
  • To be open to the Holy Spirit
  • God to use me as a witness


  • Marriages
  • Children to have strong relationship with God
  • Unity in homes
  • Loss of loved ones in 2016


  • Unity & healing
  • Upcoming changes in government
  • Great awakening
  • Immorality in America
  • Youth of our nation
  • First responders
  • Life issues (abortion & euthanasia)


  • Equip discipleship movement
  • Unity
  • Revival (spiritual awakening)
  • Property to sell & water issue
  • Financial blessing & giving
  • Missions week
  • Strong spiritual presence in our community
  • Miracles


  • Missionaries
  • Persecuted Christians
  • Israel
  • Islam & Muslims
  • Holy Spirit’s working


Corporate Prayer
January 22-28
Hazel Dell Campus

We believe it is important to come together as a church and pray together. During this week, we have set aside time to focus on specific prayer topics. Everyone is invited to attend.

Sunday, January 22 at 6pm
Prayer for our church

Monday, January 23 at 5:30pm
Prayer for our kids, students & families

Tuesday, January 24 at 5:30pm
Prayer for our elders, church council & board members

Thursday, January 26 at 5:30pm
Prayer for our ministry leaders & volunteers (except small groups)

Saturday, January 28 at 9am
Prayer for our small groups & small group leaders



Sacred Assembly
January 29 at 6pm
Hazel Dell Campus

Imagine what might happen if...

The Body of Christ gathered together for a public sacred assembly to pray in humility, without hype, self-promotion or hypocrisy asking God, begging God, to forgive our sins, to help our land, to revive our church, to save the lost and to have mercy on all.

Imagine what might happen if...
We came united in our shared faith, our shared hope, and our shared trust that God will hear our cries for help.

What blessing might God command if...
We laid aside our ethnic, economic, denominational and political commitments in order to see His Kingdom come in our midst?